Many people worry about the economy and believe they will either earn or lose money due to the economic situation at present. However, the economy is always moving up and down. So, it doesn't matter what is happening out there, or what others do to change the economy. No matter what is happening "out there" in the world, it only matters what you believe about yourself.
Now, think about what your perfect job would be. Release any fears related to the economy, and really dream big. Take a moment to see yourself in the job. Visualize yourself in the environment, see your co-workers, and feel what it would be like to do work that's completely fulfilling—while you earn a good salary. Hold that vision for yourself, and know that it has been fulfilled in your consciousness.
Let's affirm: I am so pleased with where I am and I eagerly look forward to the future.
- BLOG by Louise L. Hay
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