Monday, November 29, 2010

You are worthy (by Kipp Mastin)

Let go of your unworthiness. Step into a HUGE version of yourself. Accept compliments, gifts and large sums of money for your services. You are worth it all. Please remember, we live in an ABUNDANT and INFINITE Uni-verse. A billion dollars or a thousand compliments are but a speck on a speck in the eyes of the Uni-verse.

Why shouldn't you have everything you want and more? The only reason you don't is because you believe that you are not worthy of receiving it. It's true! YOU ARE WORTHY OF LOVE! The BEST kind of love! You are worthy of happiness, wholeness, peace of mind and well-being. You are worthy of having MORE than ENOUGH money for you and your family. The Uni-verse specializes in abundance and overflow.

Plant the seeds of your thoughts in a fertile garden and water them daily. Keep the weeds of negative thoughts and people out of your garden. Surround yourself with positive, healthy and like-minded people and then ACCEPT the gifts that are trying to be given to you.

The Uni-verse is constantly trying to give to you. Open up and let it in!

- Kipp Mastin

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