Saturday, January 22, 2011

Your Superior Power by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

When Carl Jung was asked in an interview if he believed in God, he said: "I could not say I believe. I know! I have had the experience of being gripped by something stronger than myself, something that people call God."

To be consciously merged into that perfect union with God is a feeling that's difficult to explain, but ego definitely takes a backseat. You know that you're allowing yourself to be guided by a force that's bigger than you are, and if you so choose, you can stay infinitely connected to it.

Here's Thoreau in 1851 remembering what this connection felt like to him in his boyhood: "There comes into my mind such an indescribable, infinite, all-absorbing, divine, heavenly pleasure, a sense of elevation and expansion, and [I] have nought to do with it. I perceive that I am dealt with by superior powers. This is a pleasure, a joy, an existence which I have not procured myself. I speak as a witness on the stand, and tell what I have perceived."

I too perceive that I am being dealt with by superior powers. I too speak to you as a witness telling you what I have perceived. I too have felt the all-absorbing, Divine sense of elevation, the heavenly pleasure of alignment with Source.

Whatever you call your superior power—Source, God, Spirit—you are a divine creation, and you can never be separate from that which created you. There is no place that God is not. It has been said that God sleeps in the minerals, rests in the vegetables, walks in the animals, and thinks in us. Think of God as a presence rather than a person—a presence that allows a seed to sprout, that moves the stars across the sky, and simultaneously moves a thought across your mind. A presence that grows the grass and grows your fingernails all at the same time. You are eternally connected to this presence, your Source, the power of love that never abandons you and never runs dry. You can rely on this source if you remind yourself that it includes you at all times. Heaven is a state of mind, not a location. It is always safe to let go and let God.

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