Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Get in agreement with Source (Twelve Insight Journal, February 27, 2011 - www.twelvespirit.net)

Your overall vision is the key to self discovery. This is why we want you to dream big. We want you to dream bigger than you can easily imagine. Your dreams should be big enough that only a miracle can accomplish them.

Now you are in a position where you must accept the help of the Universe in getting it done. Now you are in a position to discover what a co-creator you really are. And now you are in a position to stir up and discover all those ideas you once had about being limited or lacking this or that.

We want you and Source to get on the same page with your co-creating. You see, Source agrees 100% with that big vision you have. Source sees it as no problem. Source already sees it as a done deal. Source is already there. The only one who can limit you from it is you. The only time what the others think matters is when you agree with them. The only time your circumstances affect you is when you agree with them.

Get in agreement with Source. You have been placed here for the highest of purposes, and your dreams, your imagination, are the key to bringing it all about. You can turn your ship of life experience creating overnight if you wish.

All the other things will fall in place when you allow yourself to go to that big vision and dwell there with the Lord of all. This is your prayer place. this is the Temple that you and Source have erected for your meeting place. Go there. Visit in your imagination and prayer as often as you can muster and forget all the other concerns of the world. They are all washed away by the power of your Union with the Source of All.

You are the beloved of Source.

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