Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Mind-Body Healing's Five Rules (transferred from www.silvamindbodyhealing.com/self-healing)

William Braud says there are five important mental techniques that have a powerful effect on self-healing. These include:

1. Quiet and Relaxation. A relaxed mind is more flexible and open to positive changes and suggestions.

2. Deep Focus. By learning to focus your attention on a single thing -- breathing, for example -- you begin to gain self-control of your mind and can avoid other distractions. (These first two techniques can be achieved with meditation).

3. Visualization. Because images are your mind's preferred language, learning to visualize or use imagery techniques is a powerful way to communicate to yourself.

4. Intention and Expectation. By adding intention of the goal you want to achieve, along with the expectation that it will come, you increase the likelihood of success.

5. Positive Emotions. When you stir up strong, positive emotions during your healing process, you support your body's power to change.

Jose Silva developed his Mind-Body healing system almost twenty years before Braud began his research. But Braud's research finally gave scientific backing to the Silva Method.

The Silva Self-Healing Technique - The Basic Method

1. Put your Mind in the Alpha State.

You can find the free Alpha audio on site. It will guide you to a relaxed, alpha level which is ideal for using the mind to heal.

2. Visualize your Current Health on a Mental 'Movie Screen.'

Visualize your body's current condition. Try to see the pain or ailment that bothers you. You don't need to know exactly what each part of your body looks like. Just use simple images that can speak to your mind. For example, you might imagine a balloon to represent your lung, or a kidney bean to represent your kidney. In this way, form a representative image of the problem. Be sure to also feel any emotions you associate with the problem.

3. See yourself Healing and Feeling Better.

Now see the problem disappearing. Using your imagination, design a system that removes the ailment.

For example:
* See kidney stones being crushed into a fine powder then easily excreted.
* Imagine a tumor as a black blob and your white blood cells an army of mighty soldiers attacking it. With each onslaught by the cells, see the tumor shrinking until it disappears all together.
* Visualize sore muscles immersed in a bath of healing light that removes pain and restores power.

The images you use aren't that important, just create things that speak to you. It doesn't even need to be scientifically correct, but it should be symbolically meaningful. Your subconscious mind will do the rest.

4. Let your Final Image be that of Perfect Health.

Feel energy and joy about your perfect health. Believe it to be true and real right now.

Affirmations can be helpful, such as:
"My body and mind are in perfect health."


"My ______ is in excellent health and now functions perfectly."

5. Letting Go.

After your visualization and affirmations, it's time to let go. Now you have to trust your body's ability to heal itself. Now you can bring yourself out of the alpha state, trusting that the healing is indeed taking place.

Important note: mental healing should not replace a doctor's visit. Always consult your physician first for any serious health problems. Mental healing is an excellent complementary medicine, best used alongside and not as a replacement for modern medical care.

Whatever kind of healing you use -- surgery, conventional medicine or holistic therapies like massage, acupuncture, or yoga -- the Silva Mind-Body Healing System will smooth and speed your normal healing amazingly well.

"What If I don't have a Health Problem?"

If you don't have any health problems, meditation and visualization are excellent ways of maintaining perfect health. This way you might never have to worry about healing yourself.

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