We have been hearing many of you saying that you cannot do this or cannot do that because you do not have the money. Beloved ones, we are here to remind you of the grandest truth that you really are. To remind you of the grandeur, the wondrousness, the beauty, the glory that is you, that is human-kind in this now. And to remind you of the power that you are, the power that you contain within you, to transform not only your day-to-day life but also to transform your world.
Of course, to affect this transformation, it is necessary to have as the foundation of your life the knowing of certain fundamental and universal laws. The first one is that you create it all. You create your own reality absolutely. You create your own reality from an idea, a belief, a thought, and from the emotion that that idea, belief and thought evokes.
You are the central sun of your universe.
There is nothing outside of you.
There is nothing outside of you but a story that brings up a feeling.
The reason you birth yourself in this reality, in this time-frame, in this Now, in every now and every lifetime, in every situation, is simply for the emotional intensity of that life.
You are so extraordinarily powerful, you know. If you ever doubt that power, just look at what you have created thus far! Even if you do not like it, it is very extraordinary, is it not? If you take the judgment away from it, you can say this is a god in action, can you not, even if you do not like what you are creating. And if you do not like it, then we suggest it is time for change, to be in the focus of more abundance of everything.
Would you like to experience more love in your life? How about more health and vitality? What about more abundance of money and joy? Well then, think about this. There are none of you who have never experienced any of that, so you all know what it feels like to have love and joy and fun and adventure and riches, money.
The way that you begin to open yourselves to create more abundance in your life is to really focus and be in the feeling of abundance. That means that the more you are being abundant, the more you will draw to you the vibratory frequency which matches the feeling that you have. Is this sensible? By saying 'thank you' for what is! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you for everything wondrous in your life. Thank you for everything wondrous that you can even imagine, because if you can imagine it, truly it is even if you have not manifested it into your physical reality right now.
Abundance is not something you go out to get! And it works, does it not?
Where you have ideas and beliefs that restrict you, you know those old patterns, look at the old beliefs that you have carried with you all of your life. Once you have identified them, then indeed, when you catch yourself in the old pattern you may simply stop and deal with the fear that this lack evokes. Does this make sense? Because much of your lack, whether it is lack of money or joy or of ease and flow, much of the lack you experience even when you are saying your 'thank yous' or doing your visualizations or whatever it is that you do, really has to do with your old limited beliefs that have no part in the life of sovereign beings. These are learned things. These are things that you have brought with you as you have grown.
And mind your verbiage. How many times a day do you say 'but' which is just another word for 'no', hmm? How many times a day do you say words without thinking of what they really mean that reinforce the idea of lack? It is quite extraordinary if you would take note of it. If somebody says to you, "How are you today?" what do you say? "Not bad," hmm? But you do not say, "Great," if it is not great.
Do you see how you do it so very often? How you feel that you should not tell the world that you are really wondrous and successful and abundant. You feel guilty if you have anything that somebody else does not.
How often is it that you who are involved in this new way of thinking will indeed speak forth, "Oh, look what I have created in my life. I have just run into somebody's car. How could I do that? I have created it because blah, blah, blah." And then you do something, you create something, absolutely wondrous and you say, "Oh, was that not really good luck!"
Good luck? Goddesses and gods do not have luck. They create it all! The more you are in your power, the more powerful you are! The more you put stuff outside of you, the less powerful you are. You create it all absolutely. You deserve it all absolutely. And your life, every part of your life, shows you who you think you are. Can you see that? Your life shows you who you think you are! That is how you know what needs attention.
All this is supposed to be good fun, you know. It is not about being good. It is about being the truth of you. It is not about trying to be spiritual because there is nothing about you which is not spiritual. It is not about some pie in the sky. It is about your life now. And it is not about any stories of anything outside of you.
The grander story is, yes, indeed you have created yourself in this time frame to take part in the most extraordinary transformation in the consciousness of humanity. You are indeed in what the old prophecies call the 'End Time'. But, my beloved ones, you do not have a future. You only have now. And how you are and what you are and what you feel right now is what you will create your future, your tomorrows, with. This is it.
And all of this business about enlightenment, hmm? You are already enlightened beings and the way that you create transformation in your own life is by embracing the fear and loving who you are absolutely. There isn't anything else! And it is certainly not an intellectual exercise. All of it, all of it, is only about love.
All of it, all of it, is only about learning to absolutely love that little facet of you, that tiny portion of you; that baby you who has forgotten that you truly are a perfect, eternal expression of Source.
This little person who drives you, who runs your life, who is terrified that you are not worthy, who knows that you are powerless, who knows that love equals pain and who truly knows that the world that you exist in is a hostile, very dangerous place.
This baby boy or girl that lives within you, this beloved babe who has forgotten the truth of you, this is the key to your transformation. There is nothing outside of you, even that which be I. You have created that which be I. You have drawn us forth to remind you of your greatest truth and to remind you that we are one -- that that which be I and that which be you are not separate.
All of the wisdom and all of the knowing is contained within you and the power to change the consciousness of humanity rests with you. Not because the world needs saving or humanity needs saving or because you are gods. But simply as you come to love the more of who you are, all of who you are, everything about you, so indeed you are a flame igniting the consciousness of all of the worlds, all of the Earths, because you are separate from nothing and no one. That is how powerful you are.
You know, when you birth yourselves, having chosen your gene pool, your family, your race, your country, your town, and chosen your socio-economic situation, and you have formed a kind of master game plan -- that is major possibilities or probabilities that may occur within your familial life of parents dying, siblings dying, what you call the separation of divorce or other catastrophes -- in a way all of that is a co-creation and you are a victim of nothing. In all of it you really are the gods and goddesses and deep within you, no matter how hidden it is, is the absolute knowing that you create it all and that you can change it.
No matter what victims you are or how you have grown up to believe that you have been victims of something, anything, the truth is your Goddess/God-self, the knowing of the sovereignty and the power, is not lost to you. That is why when we speak forth to you, you say, "Yes, this is my truth. I know this," no matter how far what we say to you might have been from your upbringing. At some stage each of you heard or read something to ignite the flame within you to know more about the truth of you.
You can only recognize your own truth, beloved ones. You know that you are powerful gods and goddesses. You know that you can change the reality. And you absolutely know that love is the truth of you and that in the embracement of the fear you transcend the polarities to become all that you could dream possible.
And your dream is the dream of your species for the last 50,000 years. You are it. Pretty exciting stuff, eh? But you know what? It is all a story because all you have is right now how does it feel? And in this now you have a choice -- love or fear. That is it, love or fear, which you may translate to be abundance or lack. Simple. Oh, sometimes not so easy but very simple!
I love you absolutely,
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