There was a time when I didn't like myself very much. And there are still times when I fall back into my old thinking patterns for a moment. Always when thinking about the past. Really though, you just have to do what you can. And all you can do is the right thing in the present moment, as each moment arrives. And the right thing is never to dwell on the past once the lesson has been learned. It's a double waste of time to waste your time thinking about the time you wasted someplace way back in time. All you have is NOW. Literally.
Continue diving deep into the joy and satisfaction of your blessings. As you do so, your soul matures, mellows, slows down. And this follows into the physical world. Your whole life matures, mellows, and the need to rush disappears. NOW becomes the only time of any real importance. Patience becomes a virtue mastered. Safe in the knowing that all things ripen when ready, you feel free to relish every moment of NOW.
There's no need to worry. Everything's gonna be alright.
If you recognize that you have been stuck in a repeating pattern, then you have already taken the first step in releasing yourself from its mindless whirl. It's really just a matter of paying attention to what is happening, and recognizing that different choices will bring different results.
Things are always changing. Be open to the changes. Just let them happen. You might not get what you thought you wanted. But you will most definitely get exactly what you need.
Your most important thoughts are the ones you think about yourself . These are the thoughts that form the foundation of what you will attract into your life.
There's nothing wrong with feeling down. It happens. Feeling bad about feeling bad will only make it worse. Accept what is. It will pass.
Feeling low is a good sign that it's time to take better care of yourself. You know what you need. Allow yourself to receive it.
It isn't easy to love again when you've been hurt in the past. Keep reminding yourself that each moment is new. You don't have to repeat your old patterns, no matter how long you've been on that merry-go-round. You can honor your past by learning from the choices you have made, and make different choices that bring different results.
It's true that everything is always changing. And yet, as a whole humanity seems to be in about the same general state that it has always been in. Our greatest joys and deepest sorrows all stem from the same sources today as they did thousands of years ago. We have worshiped many different deities and idols, and produced countless varieties of mystics, philosophers, theologians, teachers, poets, and priests. And still, the point of it all remains the same: Allowing love brings us joy. Denying love brings us sorrow. It's always about love in some form or another.
Rest if you need to. It's crazy to feel guilty about giving yourself what you need. It's also crazy to think that the entire universe is going to fall apart if you're not in charge. Relax. Things really do have a way of working out if you're willing to let it happen.
The Universe is always unfolding, blossoming, and we're all blossoming right there with it, even if it doesn't always seem that way. It's true though, no matter what it looks like. The narrower your perspective, the harder it is to see, and the more distrustful of life you become. Since thoughts become things, it's important to broaden your perspective, approaching those who have differing viewpoints with a sense of humility and respect. We're all in this together. Mystical flowers blossoming side by side.
Your body is AMAZING.
It is the temple of God.
Treat it that way.
I find the process of spiritual evolution to be quite pleasant. Sure, it has its scary points. Fear does tend to creep in as awareness grows. This is because growth involves making room for the new by letting go of the old. So it follows that the more you trust and let go, the more fun you'll have with your expanding Universe.
You can make every moment magical by simply deciding to do so. It's all about perspective. Any given moment can be the greatest gift you've ever been given, the worst thing you can possibly imagine, anywhere in between, or all of the above. Whatever you decide it is, you're right.
The thing you have to remember though, is that you can't control anyone else. If you want the freedom to create your own magical moments, you have to allow others the very same freedom. Doing so will attract those who wish to celebrate life in the same manner you do.
The Universe is one big, cosmic celebration. How you choose to enjoy your stay in this reality is entirely up to you. Remember, life is not coming at you, it's coming from you. Your thoughts, feelings, and actions are generating the vibration that attracts the circumstances of your life. If you are not enjoying your life, go within to find out why.
Every day I wake up grateful. I am so happy to be alive. My life is filled with challenges, and I am thankful for them all. I could look at my life and see nothing but problems and dead-ends. And once in a while, I still do. But I've been trapped on that downward spiral more than once, and I know that it leads to nothing but more problems and more dead-ends. And that's not fun. I want to enjoy my time on earth. So I choose gratitude. And life just keeps giving me more and more to be thankful for.
Everything is as it should be. This is the best of all possible worlds. We are in an eternal state of evolving, always growing, always changing. Yet inside at our Source, always the same, always One. This is a world where thoughts become things. We have all been given this superpower, and we are all given guidance and protection as we learn how to use it. There is a reason for everything that is happening in your life, and in the world. And all of it is for your benefit, and for the highest good of all.
Begin by watching for signs. They are everywhere. The more you notice them, the more often they appear. Eventually, everything becomes a sign. You begin to realize that the signs themselves are merely symbols for the vibrations they ride upon. You are learning the "language of the gods", a language of vibration with no direct translation into any human tongue. Even if you can't yet understand it, you can feel it. There's no way not to. It is vibrating within you and all around you. It is in the air we breathe. It is the very substance from which our reality is created and sustained from moment to moment. So you can see why it might be of benefit to learn the language.
I once had a conversation with a young man about God and the meaning and purpose of life. I told him that life is gift to be enjoyed, and that fun is the point of it all. He couldn't accept this, insisting there had to be more to it, because if that were the case then everyone would just do whatever they wanted, hurting anyone who got in their way. I had to laugh, because for the most part, that's exactly what a lot of people do. And it's a pretty warped idea of fun and enjoyment. And then I told him that eventually you become aware of the fact that what you do comes back to you with stunning accuracy. Kicking people out of your way is gonna get you kicked right back. That's not fun. Loving and accepting others will bring you love and acceptance. That's fun. It's pretty easy once you get the hang of it.
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