Sloppy thinking brings sloppy results
If you have ever listened to Abraham Hicks or read any of their books you have probably heard them refer to "sloppy thinking".
What are they talking about?
Sloppy thinking is when you let your thoughts go off on a wild tangent….
* Maybe your thoughts go off into a resentment about someone:
"Well they did this and they should have done that. And of course I feel bad cause they hurt my feelings… blah – blah – blah – blah – blah"
* Maybe they go off into victim-land:
"Well if this didn't happen then I would be OK – but this did happen and there is nothing I can do about it…. blah – blah – blah – blah – blah"
* Maybe they go off into the world of lack:
"Well if that person didn't get that contract then I could have gotten it and I would be making lots more money….. blah – blah – blah – blah – blah"
* Maybe they go off into I'm not good enough-land:
"I've tried everything I can and it isn't working – I must not be smart enough, or popular enough, or nice enough…… blah – blah – blah – blah – blah"
Those times of "sloppy thinking" are usually obvious. Well they might not be at first – but after a bit of practice – we can usually catch them quickly….
But there are more insidious thoughts that go on – and these I believe are at the heart of all negative thinking — these are the true "sloppy thinking" that Abraham Hicks is really talking about.
These are the thoughts that we talked about in Little, Dopey, Annoying Detours.
They seem to come out of nowhere and many times we don't even catch what the thought was…. But if you are aware – you will catch the Feeling.
The Feeling – if you are aware of how you are feeling – then you are aware of what vibration you are sending out to the Universe. If you are aware of that – you are then aware of what LOA will be sending your way.
Remember we can have 50,000-70,000 thoughts per day. With that many thoughts running around in our heads – it can be a pretty daunting task to be aware of each and every thought that just ran through…..
But – if you know how you are feeling – then you know what you are vibrating. Pretty simple – Right?
Well not always – as we have a tendency to allow a certain amount of angst in our lives' , sort of a dis-ease within our being – without even being aware it is there.
Year's ago I had lots of annoying back problems and would find myself at the chiropractor often – very often. One chiropractor said to me – "so you have this dull back pain daily" – I was going to say No – but the fact that she did not ask a question but instead made a statement – made me realize – Yes! I did have this dull ache in my back daily! I was so used to this low level of pain I did not even realize I had it anymore! I had learned to tolerate this pain and function with it.
So it is with our feelings – many of us have this dull level of antsy running around in us and we don't even realize it – we have learned to tolerate it and to function with it!
I would function with the dull backache until it turned into a roaring backache – then I would run to the chiropractor.
We do the same with our feelings – We tolerate that low level of frustration and Law of Attraction is responding to it sending us more things to get frustrated about – until we finally are roaring angry… Then we are aware – we certainly are not feeling happy!
If you are aware of LOA – and are on the path of deliberately creating your life – this is the point that we stop and start to turn our thoughts towards what we are wanting from our lives.
Had we caught those dull antsy feelings right from the start – we wouldn't have to get to the point where we are so angry or so frustrated. Not being aware of how you feel – that is "Sloppy Thinking"
So how do you catch those thoughts if it is impossible to monitor the 50,000+ thoughts that run through our heads? How do you stop "Sloppy Thinking"?
The reason we have allowed those frustrating feelings in the first place is habit. Just like with my back - I didn't think there was anything I could do about it so I just got used to functioning with the discomfort until I kinda got used to it. It became a habit to function with that pain.
Same with our feelings – we got used to functioning with these limiting thoughts in our heads – even though those thoughts did not feel good. We continued to function until we stopped paying attention to them. They were still there – which meant we were still sending out those vibrations to the Universe – we just stopped paying attention to the way we feel.
We need to create a new habit – we need to raise our awareness level of ourselves. We need to pay attention to how we are feeling.
Here is a great way to do this.
* You want to set an alarm for yourself – You can use your cell phone or watch or get yourself a digital timer. Set the alarm to go off in 1 hour. When the alarm goes off the question to ask yourself is "What am I feeling right now?" And answer the question.
* If your answer is – you are feeling good, happy, joy – - That is Great – you now know what you are feeling, what you are vibrating. So you make a statement like – "I'm feeling good and I know my intention for the day is to Feel Good"
* If your answer is – you are feeling frustrated, mad, angry, sad – - That is also Great – as now you know how you feel – and then you want to amp it up a bit.
**You do not need to know the thought you were thinking that made you feel this feeling… If you do happen to know it – then certainly use that thought to bring yourself more peace. Find a way to re-state that thought so that you feel a bit better – and end with "My intention for today was to feel Good."
*If you don't really have a clue why you were feeling frustrated – then just make the statement "I'm really not sure why I was feeling like this – but I do know my intention for today is to Feel Good – so I'm going to let this go and start feeling good."
* There is one more answer you might get to the question and that is – Well I don't feel good and I don't feel bad – That is like feeling blah. I would say blah is not a close match to feeling good so treat it like frustration or anger. "I'm not really sure why I was feeling blah – but I do know my intention for today is to Feel Good – so I'm going to let this go and start feeling good."
Now set you alarm again – and in 1 hour do this all over again… continue this throughout your waking day.
This does not take long to do – actually it took much longer for me to write it and for you to read it then it does to do it.
What does this accomplish?
* You will start to communicate with yourself again – The first relationship we need to have is the relationship with ourselves. Your feelings are communicating with you and if you are not paying attention to them – you are not having a very good relationship with you!
* You will raise your awareness level of you – you will now know when that dull ache begins and have the opportunity to turn it around before it becomes a roaring pain.
* You will create a new habit of paying attention to yourself and you will find as you continue this – you will be catching any off kilter feelings way before the alarm goes off.
Now that you are aware of how you are feeling and deliberately turning your thoughts to better feelings — Your days will begin to go smoother
I recommend you do this for 10 days. I know – 10 days seems like a long time to be running around with a timer…. But for how many years have you been running around with that dull ache? Isn't it time you started to feel better and live your dreams?
Really – I want to tell you to do this for 30 days. 30 Days?!
You are creating a new habit – 30 days will implant it into your brain. After just a few consecutive days of doing this – you will start to be aware of your feelings before the alarm goes off – when that happens lengthen the time between your alarm – go to every 2 hours for a few days – then 3 hours – - etc… etc….
If you are around people much of the day and don't want alarm and cell phones ringing every hour – get yourself a timer that has a vibrating alarm.
Doing this simple process will absolutely transform your thinking – which will transform your vibrations!
Are you willing to do it?
Thursday, December 2, 2010
The Dis-Ease of Sloppy Thinking (by Ellie)
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