Recently I asked a very successful business man his formula for success. He laughed and said. "I guess it's just because I can't conceive of failure.
It's more a feeling than anything else." This gentleman's statement coincides with my belief and experiments.
You can think about something forever and never see it in your world, but once you feel its reality, you are bound to encounter it. The intensity of your feeling determines the time of its arrival.
Feelings are far too often regarded as effects and not causes, but feeling is not only the result of life's conditions, it is its creator. We say we are happy because we are well, not realizing that the process also works in the reverse direction. We are well because we are happy. To be joyful for another is to bless ourselves, as well as him.
To be angry with another is to punish ourselves for a seeming fault of his. The distressed mind stays at home, though the body travels, while the happy mind travels, though the body remains at home.
Feeling is the secret of successful prayer. Feel yourself into the situation of your answered prayer by living and acting upon your conviction. Feeling gradually unfolds the soul's hidden capacities. It is the ferment without which no creation is possible.
All forms of creative imagination imply elements of feeling. All emotional dispositions, however, may influence the creative imagination. Feeling has no finality. It is an acquisition, increasing in proportion to receptivity, which has not and never will have finality.
An idea which is only an idea, produces nothing and does nothing. It acts only when it is accompanied by effective feeling. Somewhere within your soul there is a mood which, when found, means wealth, health and happiness to you.
The impulse to create a desire may produce happiness, but if the desire's fulfillment is not felt, results are uncertain. When the joy of feeling is sure, however, the words of Proverbs take on new meaning as: "A merry heart does good like a medicine, while a broken spirit dries the bones."
Start now to watch your feelings and reactions to the day's events. Guard your feelings when praying, for prayer is the true creative state. Dignity indicates that man hears the greater music of life and moves to the tempo of its deeper meaning. If we did nothing but imagine and feel the lovely, the world's reform would be accomplished.
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