The problem is, my friends, you love your limitations and want to keep them. They give meaning to your life. What would you do with you life if you had no problems? Please think deeply about this. If you look carefully at the structure of your mind, you will see that solving problems gives you an alive feeling. But even when you solve them, instead of being grateful, you say, "I must have another problem."
If there is no problem immediately available, you will create one. If it is not banging on you door, you will go out and borrow someone else's. You keep telling each other that you are filled with problems. You base communication and relationships on solving each other's problems. You may continue to hold that point of view, but understand it is not going to free you. I would like to challenge you to live the next month with the belief that you had no problems. Watch the resistance your ego puts up. Watch the pull of the desire to solve either your own problems or someone else's. And realize that as long as you are dedicated to a problem-solving proposition, you will never rise above it. This is why there are so many seekers and so few finders.
If you can lay aside your belief that solving problems will make you happy, you will become filled with a vibrational frequency of such quality, that not only will it heal any disharmony within yourself, but it will be capable of extending itself to others to heal their disharmonies. If you wish to really perform Divine service, I would ask you to give up worrying about your seemingly endless problems and allow your life to continue in whatever way it wishes. Put your awareness where it will free you, deeply within your center. No matter how many resent what I say, no matter how deeply you are committed to the difficulty of your own problems, I must tell you: There are none! The moment you decide to see a world filled with Love and Light, it will begin to manifest. And when it does, other people will not like you telling them that their problems are not important. How then can you help?
Simply by being what you are. And you BEINGNESS will take care of the "problems." You are mirrors, one to the other. What do you choose to mirror? As you mirror each other's problems, you are reinforcing the idea that you are limited. You look into others' faces to see your own. That is where you see yourself. If you can move into inner harmony and begin to radiate out a different face, it will truly be a different face! Then all who look upon you will be filled with hope – the hope of their own ultimate Freedom. If you wish to serve, then clear your own mirror, so that others will see nothing but their Divine Self. If you really want to help, quit the talking, quit the thinking, and begin the loving. Because in the power of unconditional love, you will see that there is nothing to fear.
POWER AND LOVE ARE ONE. You know this. Thou art Love. It is what you are now, have always been, and always will be. Any mirror that shows you other is not reflecting truth. Please believe me! The ultimate ache is that you do not see you are loved, not in the way your mind says you should be, but in a much vaster sense. As long as you look outside yourself for love, you will never find it. The only love that is complete is that which comes from within, because it touches upon and is one the everlasting Love that can never change. Human love, my friends, is still very capricious, and part of you deeply knows this. Will you seek something different?
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