Monday, February 14, 2011

Comfort zone (by Mastin Kipps)

Many of life's greatest adventures are outside your comfort zone.

Outside your comfort zone is everything you want, but perhaps may be scared to pursue.

Many people want true love, but are afraid to open up and be vulnerable, so they settle for a good friendship and connection, rather than love.

Many people talk about their dreams all day long, but so few actually realize them.

Why is this? It's not a matter of luck, or talent or money. Many people with sub-par skills and no capital have created massive lives for themselves. There are countless college dropouts and people who haven't attended college or even high school who have made abundant lives.

What's the difference between them and those who only wish?

I believe the primary difference between those who are living the life of their dreams and those who are dreaming of a life they wish they were living is courage.

It takes courage to step outside your comfort zone every day, for the rest of your life. You need courage to stand up for what you believe in, courage to believe in yourself and ACT on that belief, courage to express your love, even at the risk of rejection (again). It takes courage to get back up after being knocked down 10,000 times - courage in the face of your fear.

There's a saying that goes something like this: entrepreneurs are people who are willing to live a few years how most people can't, so they can live the rest of their lives how most people dream.

This requires massive courage. What calculated risk can you take today? What courageous love can you express today and to whom? You say you believe in yourself; if that's true, then what action can you take to prove your belief?

Courage my friend - courage is the key to unlock the door to your greatest destiny. Courage is something you get better and better at... It's not something you perfect right away.

Let's get your courage muscles strong! Your dreams are counting on it!

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