Monday, February 14, 2011

List of Affirmations That Work for the Worker (author unknown)

Designed to help you be a better, happier, more successful employee, no matter what your position:

1. I work every day.
2. I am punctual.
3. I am willing to speak up when I have ideas to make work better.
4. I maintain a cheerful disposition at work.
5. My working matters.
6. My work matters.
7. I enjoy working.
8. I have a great eye for detail.
9. Working brings me pleasure.
10. I finish what I start.
11. My work inspires others.
12. My work improves each day.
13. I am a versatile worker.
14. I learn something new each day at work.
15. I use feedback to improve my work performance.
16. I accept and use constructive criticism to my advantage.
17. I surround myself with people who support my endeavors.
18. I encourage other workers.
19. I am an organized employee.
20. I easily block out distractions when I work.
21. I set good priorities at work.
22. I willingly help others with their work.
23. I think big at work.
24. I work to improve myself each day.
25. I show others that I appreciate their work.

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